Travel Europe Like A Local

Written by Susan Eliuk for Total Advantage Travel

I have always wanted to do more exploring in Europe. Most people think they cannot get to Europe and enjoy it. Perhaps I was one of those individuals as well. An opportunity came up, and I seized it with the greatest anticipation of where my European adventure can begin, to explore and immerse myself in the two weeks I had available.

I decided to choose countries that I really wanted to see. Everyone wants to see Italy, then Croatia, the Montenegro UNSECO World Heritage Site, and the hopping city of Amsterdam. No disappointments at any place that I toured. How was I going to get the most out of all these countries? It was to immerse myself as if I was a local.

Travel Europe Like A Local - Rome Coliseum - SusanSusan at Rome Coliseum.

Venice, Italy, and Amsterdam

I rode the bus system, the metro, the train and the fast train did the water taxis in Venice and water boats in Amsterdam. It wasn’t just about using the transportation means but to talk to the people, ask them where they like to eat, how do they get from one point to another. By just being friendly you can fit in like the locals, going to their favourite restaurants. Asking the right questions can cut down on expenses. In Europe especially Italy, if you go to the restaurants where the tourist eat the cost is much higher. Learn to stand up and have your cappuccino, not sit down, you will pay a lot less, go off to the side streets great restaurants, reasonable prices, plus talk with the locals to learn more about the history, hidden treasure that are worth seeing that you would miss otherwise.

Visit tourist places downtown where you can go online and pay a booking fee to meet with a local guide for a walking tour to learn the history and highlights of city. Walk on streets you wouldn’t otherwise see, and learn where to eat. The local guides get paid by your generous donation so are they going to give you a tour that you will enjoy, for sure. You won’t be disappointed with the tour because of their passion for their county and where they live.

Travel Europe Like A Local - Amalfi Coast - Susan

Amalfi Coast, Italy

I highly recommend when you are in Italy don’t miss the Amalfi coast, the views spectacular. The lemon groves, you have never eaten lemons like an apple until you go there and see the 400 year old lemon groves. Take the boat off the coast to see the cliffs with the building staggered on top of the rocks with their vibrant display of colour. Eating their fresh seafood, amazing. I would go back in a heartbeat.


Croatia has its own awesome beauty, hiking up Mount Srd, over 450 meters is breath taking to see over 60 km of the Adriatic Sea coastline, Old Dubrovnik down below and the Mediterranean Sea glistening in the sun. For those people who count daily steps you will be well over your average but you won’t regret it. That hike was special because we were able to meet an older lady out on her balcony after our long hike to tell us about the areas, the war they had to survive through and why she loved it there. That’s what make these kinds of adventures so special is the people you meet and hear the local stories and what and how their lives had to change with things they endured.

Travel Europe Like A Local - Montenegro outside - Susan


Montenegro the adventure was on a coach with lots of space, but to travel the winding roads along the shore line seeing the glass fjords, I highly recommend it. Visiting Kotor, is definitely a must, especially if you are a hiker to go to the top of the walled city winding your way back and forth up the mountain. Cobblestone streets, shops of wears you wouldn’t see any place else. There is a reason why they call it a UNSECO heritage site.


Amsterdam, another city like Venice, travel on their canals which are over 1700 in the surrounding area, known for their waffles of many flavours and any topping you can imagine, the museums, Heineken Brewery, the Lookout, bikes- they have more bikes than people and the bikes have the right away so watch out. Yet, every street you go on you can find that picture perfect shot.

Travel Europe Like A Local

Don’t be afraid to plan a trip to Europe, reach out to us Travel Pro’s, we are here to help you have an awesome experience and not miss sites that you should see and enjoy! Let us get you started on your adventure! 🟢

Travel Europe Like A Local
Photos courtesy of Susan Eliuk

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